Perhaps someone can help us with tracing old school memorabilia and photographs.
The late Frank Fitzpatrick (1924-35), who died in 1994, told a former Club secretary many years ago that he had some specific photographs from the 1920s which would be of very great interest to us. If anyone is in contact with any of his three children, Jan, Ida or Stephen Fitzpatrick, and could put us in touch with them, we would be delighted to discover if these photographs still exist and to beg some scans of them.
We are particularly on the look-out for news of these people.
Simon Priest (1981-83). Two of his contemporaries would like to get in touch with him, as would we.
Hat Savage (1972-74). Thought possibly to be deceased. Does anyone know?
David Leakey (1968-74) One of his contemporaries would like to get in touch with him.
Chris Goffin (1986-1993) One of his contemporaries would like to get in touch with him
Daphne Hull, who taught French around 1970. One of her former pupils would like to get in touch with her.
Here is an extensive list of people for whom we don't at present have current addresses.
If you know any of these people, please ask them to contact us.
It's a long list, but only a small fraction of our old scholars.
1978-1981 Alastair Adamson.
1998-2003 Shirin Adnani.
1987-1989 Miranda Albury, née Oldershaw.
1954-1956 Judith Allen (Mrs Scott)
1998-2007 Anuradha Anderson.
1979-1982 Derek Anderson.
1944-1957 David Anderton.
1975-1979 Andrew Appleby.
1975-1982 Sara Appleby.
1977-1981 David Arreger.
1943-1948 Peter Axford.
1979-1986 Hanne Azmeh (Mrs Warren-Tucker)
1956-1959 David H. Baker.
1953-1957 Stephen Baker.
1968-1971 Phyllida Ball (Mrs Pickett)
1963-1971 David Barasi.
1992-1997 Ashley Barber.
1954-1961 Clare Barker, née O'Brien.
1961-1966 William Barnes.
1948-1952 Jennifer Baroni, née Yates.
1957-1959 Gilchrist Barrett.
1951-1957 John Bartlett.
1982-1987 Marc Batten.
1959-1962 Diana Battershell, née Hignett.
1955-1959 Russell Beales.
1959-1964 Gerrard Beevers.
1985-1989 Howard Bell.
1943-1947 Carl Berkeley.
1954-1956 Angela Berkhuysen (Mrs French)
1973-1978 Jasper Bisset.
1967-1971 Penelope Bluett.
1970-1975 Mark Boddy.
1988-1990 Charlotte Bond (Mrs Howarth)
1979-1982 Tony Bonette.
1957-1963 David Boothroyd.
1965-1967 Lucy Borchard.
1967-1974 Graham Boswell.
1945-1950 Rosemary Bower (Mrs Meacham)
1978-1980 Cathy Brauer, née Mendel.
1988-1990 Melanie Briggs, née Smith.
1948-1951 Judith Brine, née Dax.
1950-1957 Cynthia Broadbent (Mrs Exton)
1952-1960 Phillippa Brooker (Mrs Rao)
1992-1994 Kate Broughton.
1967-1969 Amanda Brown.
1952-1958 Bernard Brown.
1950-1958 Christopher Brown.
1956-1958 Jill Brown.
1977-1980 Dominy Browning.
1972-1976 Andrew Buchan.
1965-1968 Frances Bunzl (Mrs Elliot)
1964-1967 Sally Burnett.
1983-1988 Paul Burr.
1986-1992 Alex Burt.
1965-1969 Francis Bushnell.
1954-1959 Susan Butler.
1963-1967 Tina Butterworth.
1959-1961 Nancy Calhoun, née Gray.
1988-1990 Sarah Callaghan.
1985-1988 Mason Cardiff.
1949-1962 John Caruth.
1975-1978 Victoria Casswell.
1982-1985 Billy Chan.
1979-1984 Paul Chan.
1974-1977 Brigitte Chandler.
1983-1987 Matthew Chapman.
2002-2004 Veroscia Chiluba.
2001-2003 Rachel Chon.
1954-1960 Susan Clark, née Fleming.
1968-1973 Alice Clarke.
1959-1966 Howard Clayton.
1962-1966 Michael Clough.
1950-1956 Stephen Cobb.
1954-1960 Nicholas Coe.
1947-1951 John Cole.
1986-1994 Joanne Coleman.
1946-1957 Michael Coleman.
1957-1962 Pauline Colgate (Mrs Jones)
1979-1981 Olivier Collin.
1967-1971 Lucy Collins.
1977-1979 Adam Coote.
1949-1953 Margaret Coupland, née Johnson.
1973-1986 Sheila Coward, née Gardiner.
1963-1965 Sergio Crisafulli.
1963-1966 Tatiana Crisafulli.
1959-1965 Nicholas Crosskell.
1989-1991 David Cundy.
1945-1949 Helen Curtis.
1969-1974 Alan David.
1941-1947 Shirley Davidson, née Schneider.
1948-1951 Judith Dax (Mrs Brine)
1958-1960 Barry Dean.
1971-1974 Karena Dear (Mrs Harvey)
1958-1964 Mark Depienne.
1963-1969 Shahid Din.
1951-1955 Peter Dodd.
1950-1956 Jane Dolman.
1983-1986 Karena Dorley-Brown, née Meredith.
1972-1975 Meeta Doshi.
1961-1967 Alan Dougliss.
1944-1949 Elizabeth Dring (Mrs Thomas)
1991-1998 Wesley Dubisson.
1963-1967 Edith Dunnett.
1981-1987 Sam Dyson.
1944-1949 Jan Edwards.
1990-1992 Mark Edwards.
1975-1977 Sonia Ehrt, née Jacunski.
1957-1959 Catherine Eldridge.
1965-1968 Frances Elliot, née Bunzl.
1983-1986 Antony Elliott.
1949-1952 Christopher Elmhirst.
1949-1952 Peter Erdélyi.
1966-1973 David Evans.
1970-1973 Margo Evans.
1967-1971 Deann Everett.
1950-1957 Cynthia Exton, née Broadbent.
1956-1959 Sarah Falber.
1962-1966 Roger Farr.
1955-1961 Richard Fennell.
1947-1953 John Fifield.
1976-1978 Mersedeh Firouzi-Fouladi.
1992-1996 Natalia Fitzmaurice.
1954-1960 Susan Fleming (Mrs Clark)
1977-1979 Fabienne Foiry.
1972-1982 David Forman.
1948-1954 Cynthia Fox.
1945-1952 Susan France.
1961-1969 Anna Francis.
1946-1952 Jocelyn Fraser (Mrs Mussi)
1956-1962 Margaret Fraser (Mrs John)
1954-1956 Angela French, née Berkhuysen.
1956-1958 Lili Galedary.
1988-1993 Hanna Galpin.
1995-1997 Daniel Galvin.
1973-1986 Sheila Gardiner (Mrs Coward)
1971-1979 Nicholas Gee.
1944-1949 Christopher Gerrey.
1973-1976 Martin Giddens.
1971-1975 Richard Giddens.
1983-1985 Nigel Girdlestone.
1943-1946 Barry Gittoes-Davies.
1956-1960 Chris Giuffrida-Ruggeri (Mrs Wiseman)
1996-1999 William Gladwin.
1956-1958 Christopher Glass.
1972-1975 Henry Goff.
1986-1993 Chris Goffin.
1984-1989 Alexandra Goldberg.
1979-1982 Gerardo Gonzalez.
1945-1949 Peter Goodwin.
1960-1962 Christine Grant, née Hacon.
1959-1961 Nancy Gray (Mrs Calhoun)
1970-1975 Adam Green.
1965-1967 Katy Greenhalgh.
1978-1986 Kate Greer.
1986-1988 Jane Griffiths.
1972-1979 Jonathan Gross.
1954-1957 Susan Guedes Pereira, née Spurrier.
1960-1962 Christine Hacon (Mrs Grant)
1974-1982 Simon Hadley.
1948-1956 William Haggie.
1958-1968 Sheldon Hale.
1988-1991 Charlotte Hamilton.
1939-1952 David Hamilton.
1968-1972 Nicola Hammond (Mrs Scully)
1960-1965 Michael Harding.
1967-1972 Grahame Hardy.
1966-1974 Eleanor Hargrave.
1944-1958 Crispian Hart.
1949-1957 John Hart.
1978-1980 Karen Hartman.
1971-1974 Karena Harvey, née Dear.
1951-1956 Judith Harwood (Mrs Higgins)
1949-1958 Nichol Hawthorn.
1965-1967 Catherine Haynes.
1948-1952 Judy Hazlitt.
1961-1967 Alice Herbert.
1947-1950 Jane Herrington (Mrs Baxter)
1981-1986 Graeme Hewlett.
1964-1969 Caroline Heymans.
1964-1966 Paul Heymans.
1951-1956 Judith Higgins, née Harwood.
1959-1962 Diana Hignett (Mrs Battershell)
1985-1989 Alex Hill.
1985-1988 Clare Hinchcliffe.
1988-1990 Josh Hobbins.
1987-1989 Helen Holdaway.
1953-1956 Alan Holt.
1985-1988 Janet Holt.
1985-1989 Sally Holt.
1974-1981 Bruce Houghton.
1988-1990 Charlotte Howarth, née Bond.
1944-1948 Janet Howison (Mrs Thompson)
1954-1957 Wendy Hulme (Mrs Robertson)
1969-1978 Anthony Hurst.
1998-2001 Theo Ignatieff.
1957-1961 Susan Ingham.
1950-1956 Brian Jackson.
1969-1971 Brett Jacobson.
1975-1977 Sonia Jacunski (Mrs Ehrt)
1989-1993 Sammy Jason.
1978-1980 Jenny Jenkins, née Roughley.
1956-1962 Margaret John, née Fraser.
1949-1953 Margaret Johnson (Mrs Coupland)
1991-1994 Duncan Johnston.
1959-1963 Christopher Jones.
1954-1960 Marcia Jones, née Simmons.
1974-1980 Oliver Jones.
1957-1962 Pauline Jones, née Colgate.
1950-1954 Jennifer Judd.
1957-1960 Irene Kahn.
2007-2011 Alex Kaye.
1958-1961 Dorothy Kiewe (Mrs Morris)
1951-1957 George King.
1970-1974 Frances Kinsella.
1954-1956 Louise Kirk.
1957-1964 Andy Kirkaldy.
1955-1957 Arun Kotak.
1946-1952 Ute Krebs.
1952-1960 Mary-Ann Kruse.
1982-1984 Sophie Labrousse.
1981-1986 Katy Laflin.
1993-1995 Derek Lee.
1967-1970 Katrina Leigh.
1951-1955 John Leonard.
1976-1978 Christopher Leowrakwong.
1963-1965 Dayana Levin.
1975-1981 Tony Lewis.
1981-1983 Michael Littlewood.
1946-1957 Rosemary Livings.
1977-1979 Lucie Llewellyn.
1986-1988 Claire Lloyd.
1980-1984 Mordecai Love.
1995-2000 David Lythgoe
1994-1998 Gareth Lythgoe
1983-1986 Katharine MacDonald.
1986-1988 Claire Macfarlane.
1939-1948 Hetty MacKay.
1956-1961 Michael Mackinder.
1981-1990 Reggie Mahil.
1950-1954 Jennifer Malcolm, née Six Smith.
1957-1962 Julia Marshall (Mrs Murdoch)
1985-1989 Scheherazade Martel.
1988-1990 Kelly Martin.
1953-1956 Geoffrey Marven.
1976-1978 Elisabeth Marx.
1953-1958 Christopher Mathews.
1979-1981 Cetin Mazharoglu.
1997-2001 Matthew McAllister.
1985-1993 Tom McAlpine.
1943-1949 Helen McDougall.
1982-1984 Stephen McElroy.
1994-1996 Tim McGee.
1945-1950 Rosemary Meacham, née Bower.
1986-1988 Swapna Mehta.
1942-1951 Janice Meikle.
1978-1980 Cathy Mendel (Mrs Brauer)
1983-1986 Karena Meredith (Mrs Dorley-Brown)
1946-1952 Peter Millwood.
1964-1967 Susan Milton.
1949-1954 John Mitchell.
1971-1981 Peter Montgomerie.
1975-1978 Siri Morgan.
1958-1961 Dorothy Morris, née Kiewe.
1966-1970 Katherine Morris.
1961-1963 Ruth Muller.
1957-1962 Julia Murdoch, née Marshall.
1987-1989 Christian Murphy.
1946-1952 Jocelyn Mussi, née Fraser.
1982-1984 Sukhthi Naidoo.
1983-1985 Christopher Nash.
1980-1987 James Nash.
2001-2003 William Neville.
1991-1993 Sally Newell.
1959-1966 Arthur Nicol.
1952-1955 Brian Nissen.
1954-1961 Clare O'Brien (Mrs Barker)
1987-1989 Miranda Oldershaw (Mrs Albury)
1991-1993 Mary Orr-Deas.
1991-1993 Paul Osinski.
1947-1952 Robert Ovens.
1982-1987 Robert Owen.
1950-1956 Eleanor Palmer (Mrs Reibelt)
1970-1972 Kate Parrish.
1955-1964 Peter Parrish.
1945-1949 Richard Pauncefort.
1983-1985 John Perks.
1976-1978 Marc Peters.
1979-1981 Jane Philipson.
1972-1976 Danny Phillips.
1971-1976 Raymond Phillips.
1985-1987 Arthur Phillipson.
1968-1971 Phyllida Pickett, née Ball.
2002-2004 Jerry Pizer.
1995-1997 Maria Pogson.
1983-1985 Debbie Pollark, née Roughan.
1943-1949 Sheelagh Poulsom (Mrs Raggett)
1963-1966 Richard Powell.
1985-1987 Dominique Powrie.
1994-1996 Tristan Poznanski.
1980-1982 Jyoti Prakash.
1980-1982 Pratibha Prakash.
1962-1967 Jonathan Price.
1986-1993 Tahl Price.
1962-1971 Tony Price.
1981-1983 Simon Priest.
1952-1957 John Prince.
1965-1970 Jonathan Proudfoot.
1984-1986 Jonathan Quinn.
1983-1985 Patricia Rae.
1943-1949 Sheelagh Raggett, née Poulsom.
1974-1980 Jenny Ramaty.
1977-1981 Jeremy Ramaty.
1965-1967 Raju Rangaswamy.
1952-1960 Phillippa Rao, née Brooker.
1958-1962 John Ratcliff.
1965-1971 Vaughan Ray.
1959-1962 Robert Reeves.
1950-1956 Eleanor Reibelt, née Palmer.
1960-1964 Kathryn Reisman.
1989-1992 Saul Reuben.
1953-1957 Eddie Reutzel.
1975-1979 Ben Rice.
1982-1985 Isobel Richard.
1987-1995 Julie Richards.
1947-1954 Brian Riddell.
1964-1966 Jenny Riglin.
1954-1957 Wendy Robertson, née Hulme.
1965-1967 Star Robinson.
1962-1973 Peter Rogers.
1954-1956 John Roker.
1970-1976 Erica Rooker.
1942-1946 Ann Roper.
1979-1982 James Rose.
1938-1946 Peter Rose.
1983-1985 Debbie Roughan (Mrs Pollark)
1978-1980 Jenny Roughley (Mrs Jenkins)
1976-1979 Nigel Rowsell.
1951-1953 Anushiravan Sadiq.
1986-1989 Jagjeet Sandhu.
1981-1985 Manjeet Sandhu.
1960-1963 Janet Schafer.
1941-1947 Shirley Schneider (Mrs Davidson)
1985-1987 Charlie Schorr-Kon.
1981-1984 Steven Schrader.
1954-1956 Judith Scott, née Allen.
1968-1972 Nicola Scully, née Hammond.
1950-1956 Barrie Sergean.
1950-1956 Carole Sergean.
1958-1962 Andrew Shannan.
1978-1981 Mehran Sharmini.
1992-1996 Robbie Sheridan.
1959-1962 Christian Simmonds.
1954-1960 Marcia Simmons (Mrs Jones)
1971-1973 Jenifer Sims.
1986-1993 Nicky Singleton.
1950-1954 Jennifer Six Smith (Mrs Malcolm)
1988-1992 Jo Slocock.
1974-1980 Barrie Smart.
1956-1961 Cordelia Smith, née Somers.
1951-1962 John Smith.
1960-1965 Michael Smith.
1946-1948 Ruth Smith, née Stirling.
1988-1990 Melanie Smith (Mrs Briggs)
1956-1961 Cordelia Somers (Mrs Smith)
1956-1961 Michael Southgate.
1966-1970 Catherine Sprent.
1954-1957 Susan Spurrier (Mrs Guedes Pereira)
1994-1996 Daniel Stagg.
1959-1962 Lucilla Stanley.
1971-1978 Mark Staton.
1951-1955 Victoria Stephens.
1979-1981 Fiona Stimpson.
1979-1983 Lindsay Stimpson.
1946-1948 Ruth Stirling (Mrs Smith)
1995-1997 Nadezhda Stone.
1976-1981 Gavin Stride.
1953-1955 Sofiati Sudassono.
1997-1999 Keiko Takamiya.
1983-1986 Tadakatsu Takano.
1962-1967 Theo Tammes.
1975-1978 David Tanner.
1975-1977 Tracy Tapping.
1978-1983 Christopher Taylor.
1982-1984 Kgoadi Thipe.
1944-1949 Elizabeth Thomas, née Dring.
1974-1978 Lucy Thomas.
1953-1961 Raymond Thomas.
1944-1948 Janet Thompson, née Howison.
1986-1988 Penny Thomson.
1964-1971 Nichola Tollafield.
1964-1971 Richard Tollafield.
1965-1971 Helen Tordoff (Mrs Towell)
1959-1964 Andrew Torrie.
1943-1945 Audrey Townesend.
1948-1951 Rita Trigg.
1980-1982 David Trill.
1976-1978 Claire Trimmer.
1945-1947 Margaret Turnbull.
1987-1991 Farhad Tyabji.
1984-1988 Priya Uberoi.
1947-1954 Roger Vernon.
1973-1978 Jeremy Vigne.
1973-1977 Gary Vincent.
1983-1985 John Waddell.
1953-1957 Kenneth Wakefield.
1958-1964 Carole Walker, née Watts.
1958-1961 Alan Wallace.
1944-1947 Ann Waller (Mrs Buchanan)
1936-1946 Michael Walton.
2001-2004 Lee Warren.
1979-1986 Hanne Warren-Tucker, née Azmeh.
2004-2006 Fumiko Watanabe.
1958-1964 Carole Watts (Mrs Walker)
1966-1969 Mark Wellgate.
1997-1999 Charlotte Werhahn.
1986-1988 Nicola White.
1945-1950 Ruth White.
1939-1948 Jennifer Whyte, née Kelson.
1972-1977 Ann Wiles.
1968-1972 John Wiles.
1955-1960 Elizabeth Williams.
1940-1945 Glyn Williams.
1985-1987 Susan Williams.
1956-1958 Hylda Wilson-Young.
1957-1962 Paul Windsor.
1956-1960 Chris Wiseman, née Giuffrida-Ruggeri.
1985-1988 Kin-Shun Wong.
1943-1947 Alastair Wood.
1964-1968 Susan Worbey.
1954-1957 Carolyn Yarwood.
1988-1990 Alex Yates.
1948-1952 Jennifer Yates (Mrs Baroni)
1998-2001 Shun Wen Yuen.
1983-1985 Paul Zoltowski.
If anyone has any information on these people, please contact the club.